गृह मन्त्रालय

अध्यागमन विभाग

अध्यागमन कार्यालय, पोखरा

पोखरा महानगरपालिका, पोखरा

गृह मन्त्रालय

अध्यागमन विभाग

अध्यागमन कार्यालय, पोखरा

पोखरा महानगरपालिका, पोखरा

EN न्यून व्यान्डविथ Invert Color A- A A+

निषेधित क्षेत्रहरु र पदयात्राको लागि लाग्ने दस्तुर 2018-06-29



Permit Fee (USD) / Equivalent

Taplejung District


Kanchanjunga Region

(Olangchung Gola, Lelep, Papung and Yamphudin VDCs)


US$ 10 per person/Week (for the first 4 weeks)

US$ 20 per person/Week (beyond  4 weeks)




Kimathanka, Chepuwa, Hatiya and Pawakhola VDCs

US$ 10 per person / Week ( for the first 4 weeks)

US$ 20 per person / Week ( Beyond  4 weeks)



All the North West Regions of Chame (Namche VDC ) to Nangpala

US$ 10 per person/Week (for the first 4 weeks)

US$ 20 per person/Week (beyond  4 weeks)



Lamabagar Ward No.1 (Lepche)

Gaurishanker Ward No. 1 (Beding  9 and Chhorolpa lake) area

US$ 10 per person /Week


Rasuwa District

Thuman and Timure Region

US$ 10 per person /Week


Gorkha District

Manaslu Region (Lho, Samagaun, Prok, Bihi)

September – November

US$70/per person/Week (for a week or 7 days)

US$10/per person/Day (Beyond a week or 7 days)


December – August

US$50 per person/Week (for a week)

US$ 7 per person/Day (Beyond a week or 7days)


Gorkha District

Tsum Valley of Gorkha District


Areas of Chhekampar and Chunchet VDCs (Sirdibas-Lokpa-Chumling-Chhhekampar- Nile-Chhule Area)

September – November

US$ 35 per person / 8 days


December – August

US$25 per person / 8 days



Thoche (North of Tilche village), Na, Phu VDCs

September – November

US$90 per person /Week

December – August

US$ 75 per person /Week



Lhomanthang, Charang, Chhondup,Chhotsher, Surkhang, Ghami, Chhusang, Sangdagaun of Kagbeni VDC and way to Tilicho lake (Jomsom VDC)

US$500 per person  (for the first 10 days)

US$ 50 per person /Day  ( beyond 10 days)


Upper Dolpa

 Bhijer, Saldang, Tinze, Chharka and Mukot

US$500 per person  (for the first 10 days)

US$ 50 per person /Day  ( beyond 10 days)


Lower Dolpa

All other 18 VDCs (out of 23) of Dolpa District

US$ 10 per person /Week


Mugu , Dolpu, Pulu, Bhangri

US$90 per person (for the first 7 days or a week)

US$15 per person /Day ( beyond 7 days)



Simikot , Yari ,Limi  and Muchu  VDCs ,

Regions of Dharma VDC ( way to Tibet via Tangekhola)

US$50 per person (for the first 7 days or a week)


US$ 7 per person/Day (( beyond a week or 7 days)



Areas  of  Kanda, Saipal and  Dhuli VDCs

US$ 90 per person ( For a week or seven days)

US$ 15 per person/Day ( Beyond a week or seven days)




 Areas of  Byas VDC

US$ 90 per person ( For a week or seven days)

US$ 15 per person/Day ( Beyond a week or seven days)

पछिल्लो अपडेट गरिएको : 2024-03-28 08:45:47 08:45:47
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